At the heart of our work lies our community of practice.
A place for people practitioners to connect and learn with others who share a passion for enabling better collaboration within organisations and beyond.
A place for us to reflect, learn and grow, together.
Our Community of Practice creates a ‘sandpit’ for us to play and experiment in, exposing us to the challenges of collaboration and the reality of complexity faced by our clients on a day-to-day basis. With this way of working together, we get to continuously evolve ourselves, our practice and deliver added value to our clients and projects.
A journey of experimentation and learning
Our consultant community has worked as a Community of Practice for nearly 10 years; exploring different ways of being and doing together over time. We have been through various iterations of our CoP; which is pretty normal! There have been times when we've been many, and other times when we're a smaller, more intimate group. The way in which we connect with each other also ebbs and flows in its intensity; depending on our individual and collective needs.
As with any community experience, there have been moments of immense frustration and also moments of incredible connection and belonging; the learning from all of this is immeasurable. Through various iterations, we've tested and learned together about what it takes to be in community, and what feels important about this work we do.
The Curious Practitioner
Our Community of Practice is currently for consultants who are involved in RISE client work. However, we're excited to share that we are close to launching our Curious Practitioner Experience, which will invite others to join us in our inquiry. If you are interested in hearing more, fill out the form, and we'll be in touch with more information soon.